Category & SoundThe free indian loops, samples and sounds listed here have been kindly uploaded by other users. If you use any of these indian loops please leave your comments. Read the loops section of the help area and our terms and conditions for more information on how you can use the loops.

Roland Ea7 Styles List
- Roland India Official website. We officially represent Roland Corporation in India. Roland Corporation, a leading manufacturer and distributor of electronic musical instruments, including keyboards and synthesizers, guitar products, electronic percussion, digital recording equipment, amplifiers, audio processors, and multimedia products.
- Check out Indian Rhythms for Roland E-A7 Arranger keyboard. These tones are available for free on www.roland.co.inFor Indian Tones Visit: https://www.youtube.
Guitar |
Indian Ethnic |
Indian Ethnic |
Indian Ethnic |
Indian Ethnic |
Indian Ethnic |
Indian Ethnic |
Indian Ethnic |
Indian Ethnic |
Indian Ethnic |
Indian Ethnic |
Indian Ethnic |
Indian Ethnic |
Indian Ethnic |
Indian Ethnic |
Indian Ethnic |
Indian Ethnic |
Indian Ethnic |
Indian Ethnic |
Indian Ethnic |
Other |
Piano & Keyboard |
Piano & Keyboard |
Piano & Keyboard |
Piano & Keyboard |
Reed |
Reed |
Reed |
Reed |
Sounds & Effects |
Sounds & Effects |
Sounds & Effects |
Sounds & Effects |
Strings & Violin |
Strings & Violin |
Strings & Violin |
Strings & Violin |
Strings & Violin |
Wind & Brass |
Wind & Brass |
Wind & Brass |
Wind & Brass |
Wind & Brass |
Wind & Brass |
Wind & Brass |
Wind & Brass |
Wind & Brass |
Wind & Brass |
Wind & Brass |
Wind & Brass |
Wind & Brass |
My Elect. Guitar |
Banjo-Exi |
Banjo-Exi-Mono |
Banjo-Exi-Mono-O |
Banjo-Exi-Octave |
Choir-Santoor |
Nadaswaram Exi |
Ravan-Hattho |
Riyaz-Tanpura |
Santoor + Tri Exi |
Santoor + Trill-2 |
Santoor + Trilling |
Santoor + Trilling |
Sapera Been |
Sarod-Exi |
Shehnai Exi |
Shehnai Exi |
Shehnai Exi-2 |
Sitar-Exi |
Swarmandal-Exi |
Rabab |
Bolly-Piano-Exi |
Bollywood Piano |
Bollywood Piano-2 |
Bollywood Vibes |
Harmonium |
Harmonium-2 Reed |
Harmonium-3 Reed |
Sweet Accordian |
Fantasia |
Fantastic Atmos. |
Oceanic Atmos. |
Temple Bells |
Layered String-2 |
Layered String-2 |
Layered String-3 |
Layered Strings |
Symphonic Bows |
Brass & Strings |
Brass & Strings-Exi |
Brass-Exi |
Lead Flute |
Lead Flute |
Lead Sax |
Oboe-Exi |
Oboe-Exi |
Pan Flute |
Tutti |
Tutti-2 |
Tutti-Exi |
Tutti-Reed |

Roland Ea7 Styles
This software lets you convert standard MIDI files to GW-7 style files. < System Requirements > - Operating System : Windows 2000 Professional / Windows XP |
| Enhance your GW-7 with FREE Ethnic Style Data from Roland, including authentic Styles from China, India, the Middle East and East Europe. To preview the Styles, click the MP3 files below, then download the data of your choice. Notes: • Please refer to the owner’s manual for info on how to transfer the downloaded style data into your GW-7 via USB. | Style Name | BPM | Preview | Latin America | Bachata | Bachata | 128 | Roland Corporation U.S. | Latin America | Banda | Banda | 145 | Roland Corporation U.S. | Latin America | Chundo 1 | Chundo1 | Roland Corporation U.S. | Latin America | Neo Cumbia | CumbNEO1 | 103 | Roland Corporation U.S. | Latin America | Cumbia Norteña | CumbNOR | 140 Corel draw 2019 crack file. | Roland Corporation U.S. | Latin America | Cumbia Radio | CumbRAD5 | Roland Corporation U.S. | Latin America | Cumbia Romántica | CumbROM4 | 100 | Roland Corporation U.S. | Latin America | Cumbia Sonidera | CumbSni2 | 82 | Roland Corporation U.S. | Latin America | Cumbia Tradicional | CumbTRAD | Roland Corporation U.S. | Latin America | Duranguense 3 | Durang3 | 140 | Roland Corporation U.S. | Latin America | Huaracha | Huaracha | 93 | Roland Corporation U.S. | Latin America | Latino Capitalino 3 | LatCAP3 | Roland Corporation U.S. | Latin America | Club Latino | LatCLUB2 | 105 | Roland Corporation U.S. | Latin America | Merengue 2 | Mereng2 | 160 | Roland Corporation U.S. | Latin America | Punta | Punta | Roland Corporation U.S. | Latin America | Ska 2 | Ska2 | 188 | Roland Corporation U.S. |
| Region | File Name | Copryright | Download | Thailand | KlongYao | KlongYao | Theera Music | Thailand | Lae | Lae | 120 | Theera Music | Thailand | TaLoong | TaLoong | 86 | Theera Music |
| Style Name | BPM | Preview | India | Gazal | GAZAL_RP | 92 | Rivera Digitec(INDIA)PVT.LTD | India | Dhamal | R-DHAMAL | Rivera Digitec(INDIA)PVT.LTD | India | Shalimar | Shalimar | 169 | Rivera Digitec(INDIA)PVT.LTD |
| Style Name | BPM | Preview | Middle East | Funk Oriental | Funckor | 100 | Roland Europe S.p.A. | Middle East | Gipsy | Gipsy | Roland Europe S.p.A. | Middle East | Grik | Grik | 100 | Roland Europe S.p.A. | Middle East | Khebeti 2 | KHEBETI2 | Roland Europe S.p.A. | Middle East | Latin Oriental | Latinor | 110 | Roland Europe S.p.A. | Middle East | Malfouf 1 | Malfouf 1 | Roland Europe S.p.A. | Middle East | Noubi 2 | Noubi 2 | 140 | Roland Europe S.p.A. | Middle East | Shaery 2 | SHAERY2 | Roland Europe S.p.A. | Middle East | Waltz-Oriental | Waltz-or | 150 | Roland Europe S.p.A. |
| Style Name | BPM | Preview | Brazil | Bolero | AB05BOLR | 117 | Roland Brasil Ltda. | Brazil | Vanerao | AB05VANR | Roland Brasil Ltda. | Brazil | Country Brazil | AG05CNTY | 133 | Roland Brasil Ltda. | Brazil | Pop Brazil | AG05POP2 | Roland Brasil Ltda. | Brazil | Axe Brazil | FV05AXE1 | 108 | Roland Brasil Ltda. | Brazil | Lambada | JA06LMBD | Roland Brasil Ltda. | Brazil | Samba | JL05SMB2 | 72 | Roland Brasil Ltda. |
| Style Name | BPM | Preview | Hungary | Hun Disco 1 | HunDisco1 | 130 | Roland East Europe | Hungary | Hun Disco 2 | HunDisco2 | Roland East Europe | Hungary | Roma Pop 1 | RomaPop1 | 135 | Roland East Europe | Hungary | Roma Pop 2 | RomaPop2 | Roland East Europe | Hungary | Budai Fx 1 | BudaiFox1 | 125 | Roland East Europe | Hungary | Budai Fx 2 | BudaiFox2 | Roland East Europe | Hungary | Lagzi Pop | LagziPop | 136 | Roland East Europe | Hungary | Hun Tango | HunTango | Roland East Europe | Hungary | Mulatos 1 | Mulatos1 | 133 | Roland East Europe | Hungary | Mulatos 2 | Mulatos2 | Roland East Europe | Hungary | Mulatos 3 | Mulatos3 | 135 | Roland East Europe | Hungary | Hungaria 1 | Hungaria1 | Roland East Europe | Hungary | Hungaria 2 | Hungaria2 | 149 | Roland East Europe | Hungary | Orokzold | Orokzold | Roland East Europe | Hungary | Csardas | Csardas | 124 | Roland East Europe | Hungary | PopBossa | PopBossa | Roland East Europe |
| Region | File Name | Copryright | Download | China | Er ren zhuan | 2R_Zhaun | zhang yong | China | China drum | Chn_Drum | 130 | zhang yong | China | China pop 2 | Chn_Pop2 | zhang yong | China | Dong bei | DongBei | 120 | zhang yong | China | Gong ting | GongTing | zhang yong | China | Guang yue 1 | GuangYue | 90 | zhang yong | China | Guang yue 2 | Guang_Y2 | zhang yong | China | Guang yue 3 | Guang_Y3 | 122 | zhang yong | China | He nan | HeNan | zhang yong | China | Meng gu | MengGu | 100 | zhang yong | China | Nei meng | NeiMeng | zhang yong | China | Ping tan | PingTan | 120 | zhang yong | China | Shang hai | ShangHai | zhang yong | China | Tian jin | TianJin | 90 | zhang yong | China | Tibet | Tibet | zhang yong | China | Xi bei | XiBei | 154 | zhang yong | China | Xin Jiang 1 | XinJiang | zhang yong | China | Xin Jiang 2 | Xin_J2 | 162 | zhang yong | China | Yang ge | YangGe | zhang yong | China | Yue Ju | YueJu | 86 | zhang yong | China | Yun Nan 1 | YunNan1 | zhang yong | China | Yun Nan 2 | YunNan2 | 154 | zhang yong |
| Style Name | BPM | Preview | Pops | Country King | CNTRYKNG | 120 | Roland Europe S.p.A. | Pops | DJ Groove | DJGROOVE | Roland Europe S.p.A. | Pops | Fate Beat | FATEBEAT | 78 | Roland Europe S.p.A. | Pops | Friendly Beat | FRIENDBT | Roland Europe S.p.A. | Pops | Groovin' | GROOVIN' | 116 | Roland Europe S.p.A. | Pops | Sally's Blues | SALBLUES | Roland Europe S.p.A. | Pops | Ska | SKA | 125 | Roland Europe S.p.A. | Pops | Smooth Dance | SMOOTDNC | Roland Europe S.p.A. | Pops | Swing Pop | SWINGPOP | 128 | Roland Europe S.p.A. | Pops | Time Pop | TIMEPOP | Roland Europe S.p.A. |